Audio Tokens by GasPump

Audio Tokens by GasPump

On October 11, the GasPump platform introduced something truly cool — Audio Tokens! This new feature allows embedding audio files into tokens. With this technology, users can add soundtracks to their digital assets, making them more unique and interactive.

The platform was the first to implement Audio Tokens, giving users the ability to play sounds directly on the token's page. This innovation was made possible through the ongoing x GasPump partnership, which has already simplified token creation and analysis in the TON ecosystem. You can learn more about this collaboration here.

Now, each token can contain not only images or symbols but also a voice, music, or any other sound. For example, imagine a token that greets you with an encouraging "HODL, bro, everything's gonna be fine!" during a bear market.

The popular decentralized exchange DeDust DEX has also added support for Audio Tokens, and this is just the beginning! And from here, as they say:

From a technical perspective, it’s pretty straightforward: each token is linked to an audio file in .mp3 format, with a duration of up to 10 seconds. This sound can be played through a special link embedded in the token’s description, for example:{TICKER}.mp3.

This feature will be useful not only for memes and jokes (although let’s be honest, memes are always cool). Audio Tokens are also perfect for musicians, artists, and brands. Imagine a token with a music fragment or a signature sound for your brand. This is a new step in creativity and self-expression!

Try how it works right now on a test token!

And yes, when the market gets stormy again, your token can cheer you up with the phrase "This is fine" – because without humor and resilience, the crypto world just wouldn’t be as fun.