All information about the SMINEM token

Onchain information

  • Token image
    Token image (SMINEM)
  • Description
    SMINEM is the meme coin inspired by the iconic internet dude who turned “confused but confident” into a vibe. His hilariously messed-up T-shirt says it all: it’s not about how others see you, it’s about believing in yourself and owning it
  • Token name
  • Token symbol
  • Address
  • Admin
    Ownership is revoked
  • Decimals
  • Total Supply
    1,000,000,000 SMINEM

DYOR Offchain Info

  • Token image
    Token image (SMINEM)
  • Description
    SMINEM is the meme coin inspired by the iconic internet dude who turned “confused but confident” into a vibe. His hilariously messed-up T-shirt says it all: it’s not about how others see you, it’s about believing in yourself and owning it