🥷 DYOR.io and 🗿 STON.fi integration

📈 DYOR.io is rapidly growing along with the entire TON ecosystem. We have long surpassed the mark of 1,000,000 views per month and have no plans to stop
🎉 Today, we want to announce our integration with STON.fi. Stonfiers (https://t.me/stonfidex), welcome to DYOR! Starting today, STON.fi users can, equally to other users, analyze their investments and watch in real time the movement of token prices trading on STON.fi.
❤ We believe this collaboration is very important for the entire TON ecosystem, as now even more users will have the opportunity to conduct their own research and minimize the likelihood of falling for scams.
Subscribe and stay tuned for updates to be in the know about new opportunities on our platform! 🚀
Sincerely, the DYOR.io team 🥷