All information about the AQUAMAGE POINT token
Onchain information
- Token image
- DescriptionAqua Mage Point is an in-game currency used in the Aqua Mage game. Players earn and spend these points to upgrade their characters and advance through levels. Aqua Mage Point integrates with the AquaMage Coin cryptocurrency, allowing players to convert their achievements into digital assets that can be used both in and outside of the game.
- Token symbol1AMP
- Address
- AdminOwnership is not revoked
- Decimals9
- Total Supply100,000,000,000,000,000,000 1AMP
DYOR Offchain Info
- Token image
- Symbol1AMP
- DescriptionAqua Mage Point is an in-game currency used in the Aqua Mage game. Players earn and spend these points to upgrade their characters and advance through levels. Aqua Mage Point integrates with the AquaMage Coin cryptocurrency, allowing players to convert their achievements into digital assets that can be used both in and outside of the game.