All information about the LKY token

Onchain information

  • Token image
    Token image (LKY)
  • Description
    Lucky TON is a unique token that embodies the idea of happiness and good fortune for its holders. Possessing this token is believed to attract prosperity and luck. Characterized by positive energy, it symbolizes the possibility of experiencing fortunate events in the lives of its owners. Beyond its financial value, Lucky TON serves as a symbol of optimism and joy, creating a positive impact on the token holders. Lucky TON can be used to purchase 8 unique NFTs called "Lucky TON NFT #1-8" that promise to generate income. These NFTs provide additional opportunities for Lucky TON holders to participate in income-generating events or receive other benefits. This creates an ecosystem where owning both tokens and NFTs can offer holders unique opportunities and profitable prospects.
  • Token name
    Lucky TON
  • Token symbol
  • Address
  • Admin
    Ownership is revoked
  • Decimals
  • Total Supply
    88,869,370 LKY

DYOR Offchain Info

  • Token image
    Token image (LKY)
  • Description
    Lucky TON is a unique token that embodies the idea of happiness and good fortune for its holders. Possessing this token is believed to attract prosperity and luck. Characterized by positive energy, it symbolizes the possibility of experiencing fortunate events in the lives of its owners. Beyond its financial value, Lucky TON serves as a symbol of optimism and joy, creating a positive impact on the token holders. Lucky TON can be used to purchase 8 unique NFTs called "Lucky TON NFT #1-8" that promise to generate income. These NFTs provide additional opportunities for Lucky TON holders to participate in income-generating events or receive other benefits. This creates an ecosystem where owning both tokens and NFTs can offer holders unique opportunities and profitable prospects.

DYOR Official Links

Token card on

Lucky TON is a unique token that embodies the idea of happiness and good fortune for its holders. Possessing this token is believed to attract prosperity and luck. Characterized by positive energy, it symbolizes the possibility of experiencing fortunate events in the lives of its owners. Beyond its financial value, Lucky TON serves as a symbol of optimism and joy, creating a positive impact on the token holders. Lucky TON can be used to purchase 8 unique NFTs called "Lucky TON NFT #1-8" that promise to generate income. These NFTs provide additional opportunities for Lucky TON holders to participate in income-generating events or receive other benefits. This creates an ecosystem where owning both tokens and NFTs can offer holders unique opportunities and profitable prospects.

Total supply88,869,370

DYOR Official Links

undefined (LKY)
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Are you the owner of the token?

Ownership has been revoked, but you can request control of the token to change the information.