All information about the BROTON token

Onchain information

  • Token image
    Token image (BROTON)
  • Description
    Brokie Inu symbolises hard core resilience. For all degens that have been rug pulled, liquidated trading on leverage by scam wicks, scammed by fraudulent crypto projects.Knocked down 7 times, get up 8, Brokies are not quitters and go again! The next meme coin or the next trade will take us to doggie Valhalla!It's a meme coin of a tenacious bulldog flippin burgers at McKeeDees.
  • Token name
  • Token symbol
  • Address
  • Admin
    Ownership is revoked
  • Decimals
  • Total Supply
    888,888,888 BROTON

DYOR Offchain Info

  • Token image
    Token image (BROTON)
  • Description
    Brokie Inu symbolises hard core resilience. For all degens that have been rug pulled, liquidated trading on leverage by scam wicks, scammed by fraudulent crypto projects.Knocked down 7 times, get up 8, Brokies are not quitters and go again! The next meme coin or the next trade will take us to doggie Valhalla!It's a meme coin of a tenacious bulldog flippin burgers at McKeeDees.

Token card on

Brokie Inu symbolises hard core resilience. For all degens that have been rug pulled, liquidated trading on leverage by scam wicks, scammed by fraudulent crypto projects.Knocked down 7 times, get up 8, Brokies are not quitters and go again! The next meme coin or the next trade will take us to doggie Valhalla!It's a meme coin of a tenacious bulldog flippin burgers at McKeeDees.

Total supply888,888,888

undefined (BROTON)
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Are you the owner of the token?

Ownership has been revoked, but you can request control of the token to change the information.