Вся информация о токене Hydra
Ончейн информация
- Изображение токена
- ОписаниеOnly 0.66% of the tokens from the total volume are provided for sale, while the rest of the tokens will be intended for farming. The uniqueness of our farming lies in its long-term perspective - designed for decades. This means that each participant investing in agriculture plays a key role in shaping the sustainability and growth of the token. Only 100,000 hydra coins can be mined annually. Telegram: https://t.me/Ton_HYDRAcoin https://t.me/Ton_HYDRA_Community http://t.me/TONHydraBot
- Название токенаHydra
- Символ токенаHYDRA
- Адрес
- АдминистраторПраво собственности отозвано
- Десятичные знаки6
- Общее предложение9 999 998 HYDRA
DYOR Оффчейн информация
- Изображение токена
- НазваниеHydra
- СимволHYDRA
- ОписаниеOnly 0.66% of the tokens from the total volume are provided for sale, while the rest of the tokens will be intended for farming. The uniqueness of our farming lies in its long-term perspective - designed for decades. This means that each participant investing in agriculture plays a key role in shaping the sustainability and growth of the token. Only 100,000 hydra coins can be mined annually. Telegram: https://t.me/Ton_HYDRAcoin https://t.me/Ton_HYDRA_Community http://t.me/TONHydraBot
DYOR Официальные ссылки
- http://tonhydra.comWebsite
- https://t.me/Ton_HYDRA_CommunityTelegram