Вся информация о токене I Know This Place..?
Ончейн информация
- Изображение токена
- ОписаниеThis token will in the future be associated with the project of the same name “I Know This Place..?”, which is a game series and a hybrid metaverse. Owners of the token will be able to vote on the plot of the series, rent the placement of their features and items in the game or even entire locations. Hybrid tokenomy will also develop. At the moment, the project has already been released on several platforms (Steam, VK Play). It is planned to launch the token not only on DEX but also on centralized exchanges. Token holders can also influence the plot of future chapters through special voting, as well as receive chapters for free. Find out more about the project using the links: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2243560/I_Know_This_Place__chapter_I/ (link on other chapter on this page)
- Название токенаI Know This Place..?
- Символ токенаiKnow
- Адрес
- АдминистраторПраво собственности отозвано
- Десятичные знаки9
- Общее предложение100 000 000 iKnow
DYOR Оффчейн информация
- Изображение токена
- НазваниеI Know This Place..?
- СимволiKnow
- ОписаниеThis token will in the future be associated with the project of the same name “I Know This Place..?”, which is a game series and a hybrid metaverse. Owners of the token will be able to vote on the plot of the series, rent the placement of their features and items in the game or even entire locations. Hybrid tokenomy will also develop. At the moment, the project has already been released on several platforms (Steam, VK Play). It is planned to launch the token not only on DEX but also on centralized exchanges. Token holders can also influence the plot of future chapters through special voting, as well as receive chapters for free. Find out more about the project using the links: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2243560/I_Know_This_Place__chapter_I/ (link on other chapter on this page)