Вся информация о токене DurovGirls

Ончейн информация

  • Изображение токена
    Изображение токена (GIRLS)
  • Описание
    $GIRLS is a meme coin inspired by the artworks of young Pavel Durov. Thanks to the capabilities of the Wayback Machine, we have been fortunate enough to travel back to 2003 and witness these pieces of art that were personally showcased by Pavel on his personal website durov.com.
  • Название токена
  • Символ токена
  • Адрес
  • Администратор
    Право собственности не отозвано
  • Десятичные знаки
  • Общее предложение
    1 000 000 000 GIRLS

DYOR Оффчейн информация

  • Изображение токена
    Изображение токена (GIRLS)
  • Название
  • Символ
  • Описание
    $GIRLS is a meme coin inspired by the artworks of young Pavel Durov. Thanks to the capabilities of the Wayback Machine, we have been fortunate enough to travel back to 2003 and witness these pieces of art that were personally showcased by Pavel on his personal website durov.com.