Вся информация о токене Liquidator
Ончейн информация
- Изображение токена
- ОписаниеThat is a liquidator - a test token for DMT ecosystem. It’s going to test a unique mechanic: 2% of each transaction will be collected as a tax, that will be sold and deposited to liquidity. The liquidity of the project should always grow. Please keep in mind: this token might be an imposter, so don’t buy it unless you’ve seen a post with its contract in @dmtholders
- Название токенаLiquidator
- Символ токенаLIQ
- Адрес
- АдминистраторПраво собственности отозвано
- Десятичные знаки9
- Общее предложение200 000 LIQ
DYOR Оффчейн информация
- Изображение токена
- НазваниеLiquidator
- СимволLIQ
- ОписаниеThat is a liquidator - a test token for DMT ecosystem. It’s going to test a unique mechanic: 2% of each transaction will be collected as a tax, that will be sold and deposited to liquidity. The liquidity of the project should always grow. Please keep in mind: this token might be an imposter, so don’t buy it unless you’ve seen a post with its contract in @dmtholders