Вся информация о токене Blockchemy

Ончейн информация

  • Изображение токена
    Изображение токена (BLOMY)
  • Описание
    BLOMY (blockchemy.io) is the in-game currency of the fantasy game Blockchemy. It is used for crafting NFT cards, buying and selling items at the auction, completing quests, and participating in special events. A portion of token sales funds the prize pool for creating the Philosopher’s Stone, the ultimate goal of the game. BLOMY also serves as a reward for player achievements and discovering hidden recipes. Play and earn here: https://t.me/blockchemy
  • Название токена
  • Символ токена
  • Адрес
  • Администратор
    Право собственности отозвано
  • Десятичные знаки
  • Общее предложение
    1 618 034 BLOMY

DYOR Оффчейн информация

  • Изображение токена
    Изображение токена (BLOMY)
  • Название
  • Символ
  • Описание
    BLOMY (blockchemy.io) is the in-game currency of the fantasy game Blockchemy. It is used for crafting NFT cards, buying and selling items at the auction, completing quests, and participating in special events. A portion of token sales funds the prize pool for creating the Philosopher’s Stone, the ultimate goal of the game. BLOMY also serves as a reward for player achievements and discovering hidden recipes. Play and earn here: https://t.me/blockchemy